Nico Syahputra Sebayang, Alhanannasir Alhanannasir, Asep Dodo Murtado, Mega Bella Restyaningsih, Intan Yuliana, Chantika Dini, Reza Adriansyah, Birral Mahdiyal Madinah, Silvyana Silvyana


The addition of food chemicals is an activity in food processing. The addition of food chemicals in the food industry aims to improve quality, extend shelf life, and maintain product safety and taste. One of the additives that is often used is sodium benzoate. sodium salts from benzoic acid. Sodium benzoate serves as a preservative that prevents the growth of microorganisms, especially fungi and some types of bacteria, which can cause damage to food products. The use of sodium benzoate as a preservative has been widely recognized, especially in products with high water content and susceptible to microbial contamination, such as soft drinks, sauces, jams, and other processed foods. The method used for the creation of this review article is a literature study


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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biotik
ISBN : 97-602-60401-3-8
ISSN : 2828-1675
Published By Biology Education Study Program Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Ar-Raniry State Islamic University Banda Aceh, Indonesia.
Email : [email protected]

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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Biotik : is licensed under  a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License CC BY-SA 4.0